Dance Punk/8-bit/Noise Rock
Deacon’s music is an insatiable tidal wave of clipping keyboard loops and crazed-carnival-barker-on-digital-helium vocal hooks; in the studio both the subtleties and the mechanisms for its jittery energy come into greater focus. What were once tonal washes of chords break up into Philip Glass-like arpeggio sequences and droning flutters of guitar, overlayed with squealing organ and squirming bass. The simple, insistent drum loops resolve and the garbled voices approach intelligibility. The undercurrent of noise imbuing his tracks with their raging urgency separates into an experimental noise spectrum of slurps and bleeps. What comes over especially is Deacon’s skill in gradually building layer upon layer into his chord progressions until they seem to surge forward under their own volition. But in the end, all the contributions of classical mechanisms and wobbling feedback riffs give way to effectively catchy and hummable, albeit very odd, pop songs. -
Dan Deacon - Paddling Ghost (Video)
Spiderman of the Rings (2007)
Bromst (2009)